Thursday 1 January 2015

#2015- This Will Be My Year

*photos from tumblr*


So it's 2015 and right now everyone is probably looking through last year remembering the good times and unfortunately the bad ones too, but why look at the past now when we have got 365 whole new pages to fill with adventures and memories!

Every year we make a bunch of resolutions that by next week we have probably forgotten, that's why this year I wanted to keep mine short-
-Get good grades
-Improve my flexibility
-Eat more healthily
-Become more confident
-Try not to overthink 

This year I also want to try and be as productive with my blog as possible, attend events, stick to a blog schedule etc. I read on twitter a quote that said, we may have a good year but to make it one of the best we actually have to go out and pursue that. This is certainly true :) 

What are your hopes for 2015?

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