Sunday 8 March 2015

International Womens Day 2015

What is International Women's Day about?
It is a celebration of womanhood, and women's achievements. It is also a day to raise awareness of social issues that women face. I know that a lot of men on here, think that this is all a joke. Or they think that women don't count. Or they think that we are so incapable, that we need "special" days, "encouragement", "affirmative action" and "privileges" to compensate for our inferiority. Well if that is what they think, that is more of a reflection of them, than it is of us. Truth be told, women have a different style of interacting from men. We are not as competitive or combative, so often we get pushed aside. We are socialized not to elbow our way through life, or to thrust ourselves into the center of attention. 

"International Women's Day" is one day out of the year, that allows women's issues to be discussed in an open forum, or through organized events. It is a way of making women visible. If we did not have initiatives like this, women would be less visible.

International Womens Day is in place because in our society today many women are undervalued in the workplace and unfortunately many other places. This could be something like not getting paid as much or as big as not even getting the job. Today is not just about women not being equal with the man but also teaching younger girls that there is no such thing as 'like a girl' and that they can like whatever they want to and grow up to be whoever they want to be.

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